Sunday, August 25, 2013

First Grade Notes

First Grade Notes

I’m very excited for an awesome school year!  I believe that for a successful first grade year there needs to be open communication between home and school.   It’s imperative that we work together to make this a super experience for your child!   
         The information below highlights what occurs in our classroom.  This information, as well as other important papers will be coming home on the first day of school.  Please make sure to check your child's folders for the lunch menu, health forms, and other important papers.

Behavior Management
         Room 107 will have a few behavior systems occurring this year – both individual and whole group. Individually, we will be trying to earn Coins. Each first grader will have a coin cup located inside their desk. Students may earn a penny for outstanding behavior, academic achievements or challenges, compliments from other teachers, and showing respect and responsibility. As our year goes on, the students will be able to earn the larger coins (nickels, dimes, and eventually quarters). On the last Friday of each month, we will hold a student store, K-Mart, where we can exchange the coins that we earn with small prizes.
         Also, we have a “Clip It!” behavior poster in the back of the room. Every student will begin the day on the green “Ready to Learn!” If any student chooses to break a class rule or perform an inappropriate behavior, they will have to move their clip down to a lower area. Alternatively, there are also higher levels for students to reach by showing positive behavior. This system allows students the chance to be rewarded for good behavior, and also allows them to improve their day and choices so that their clip will be moved back up. Your child’s behavior will be marked in their agenda daily.

Purple: Outstanding! – Student receives a nickel for their coin cup.
Blue: Good Day! – Student receives a penny for their coin cup.
Green: Ready to Learn – All students begin here. Staying here all day is great! J
Yellow: Think About It – Student has made a bad choice. This is a warning level and a reminder for the student to change the behavior. Teacher can decide between 5 minutes off of recess, loss of fake money, loss of a special activity or a note home.
Red: Uh oh! – Student has had a rough day making good choices. A C-Note will be sent home.

As a group, we will be attempting to “Fill the fish bowl!” There is a large fish bowl in the front of the room. When we get a compliment from another teacher, show overall outstanding behavior, or any other positive behavior, we will get to place a fish into the bowl. Once we have 10 fish, we will choose a class reward.

Our Class Rules
1.      Be Kind
2.      Be Safe
3.      Be Respectful
4.      Follow Directions
5.      Always Do Your Best!   
         Volunteers will be asked to help throughout the year for special events.  You will be contacted by phone, email, or in your child’s agenda.  It’s important that you review your child’s Friday Folder and Newsletters for upcoming events.  Please see the office for information about clearances. If you cannot make an event please give prior notice.

         Homework should only take about 10 minutes for first grade.  We usually have homework on Monday through Thursday.  The extra practice and support at home is proven to be very beneficial.    
             Students write in their agendas every afternoon and I also check the behavior charts.   An “R” stands for reading, “M” stands for math, “WB” stands for word book, “thb” stands for take home book.  I ask that you check and sign your child’s agenda nightly for verification of homework and daily behavior.    

Catch of the Week
         Each week a Catch of the Week is chosen, in no particular order, to share a little bit about themselves.  A paper will be sent home the week before so he/she can gather ideas.  A poster display is asked, but any ideas are welcomed.  The ‘Fresh Catch’ will share their pictures and/or artifacts with the class and the items will be displayed.  All will be sent home in a timely fashion.